• Bloc B-Apt 1, Résidence les jasmins. Avenue de Dollar - Les berges du Lac II

  • Mon - Fri 8.00 am - 6.00 pm

DDI Observability Center (DDI OC) Key Benefits

DDI Observability Center is a cloud-based portal offering consolidated near-real-time visibility over state and performance of DDI architectures.

Improved Visibility Enterprise-Wide

Insightful, actionable, and reliable analytics on DDI Infrastructure health, DNS traffic, and performance.

Proactive Monitoring

Early identification of issues like latency or service interruption, tracking metrics through interactive dashboards.

Efficient Troubleshooting of Network Anomalies

Qualitative DNS and DDI telemetry to accelerate in-depth investigation, RCA, and decision-making process.

Network Performance Optimization

Quickly identify and resolve DDI service performance and configuration issues, to improve UX and mitigate risks of outages.

Optimized Costs

Resource, time, and cost savings due to improved operational efficiency, capacity management, and performance.

Networks have expanded in size and complexity, spanning device and app proliferation, IoT, and multi cloud. Without comprehensive visibility into network activity, managing, operating, and protecting networks to ensure business resilience becomes challenging. To understand where and why network issues are occurring, you need insights into your DDI infrastructure and related traffic.


EfficientIP’s DDI Observability Center (DDI OC) is a cloud-based visualization service offering end-to-end, comprehensive observability to overcome network operational inefficiencies and reduce risks of outages. It brings insightful, actionable, and reliable telemetry and analytics across any DDI architecture to your Networking, NOC or SOC teams, enabling them to:

  1. Monitor the DNS service, DDI health & performance in near real-time, allowing quick identification of anomalies
  2. Simplify troubleshooting, determine root cause and respond effectively, to optimize network operations and performance for enhanced service continuity and UX

The majority of IT leaders view network and application performance observability as a top priority. Insightful network data is regarded as important for gaining visibility over connected assets, but compute and storage costs cause many organizations to discard most of their observability data.


EfficientIP brings unique data collection, processed by innovative algorithms for network observability, monitoring, performance, and security usages. We collect huge volumes of global real-time DDI data, including DNS data across any device, network and user. Our enterprise-grade platform offers high scalability and efficient data storage. It’s able to continuously absorb, process, and analyze any volume of data, whatever your profile and architecture. The data is always up-to-date, relevant, and accurate, providing a reliable source of information for your DDI observability requirements.

IT teams have become overloaded. Lack of insight on usage and history of networks and applications means they’re unable to accurately detect operational anomalies and inefficiencies. Also, without a baseline of networking, there’s no way of measuring user experience on application and services usage.


DDI OC provides extensive, insightful DDI and DNS metrics, statistics, and analytics. It brings you near real-time visualization and analytics of the health and performance of your entire DDI infrastructure. Indicators of network, application and service utilization can be used to baseline normal activity. Insights on how DNS is being used helps anticipate detection of anomalies. Your network teams can now more easily detect DDI capacity issues as well as bottlenecks in DNS resolution that may impact UX.

Ddi Oc Main Principe

DDI Observability Center Demo Video

Check out the demo for EfficientIP DDI Observability Center. We’ll show you how Cloud-based visualization of DDI telemetry and analytics across any DDI architecture is now possible thanks to the DDI Observability Center. It offers NOCs enhanced visibility for optimizing network operations, performance, service continuity, and UX.